
Industrialized Construction, the future of civil construction

Its construction can be faster, cleaner, more modern and sustainable.

Steel Anticipates
The platform for anticipating receivables from SteelCorp Group suppliers.


60% of your work takes place outside of it, optimizing delivery and guaranteeing the quality of the process.


Dry construction, with controlled waste generation and guaranteed thermal comfort.


Projects designed to the millimeter, produced with precision and monitored via app.


Excellence in optimizing industrial projects and processes, with high production capacity.

Your look at construction
it will never be the same again.

The fusion of industrialization with civil construction arrived to solve problems and
deliver high-standard projects faster, cleaner and more sustainable from the start.


From multi-sports courts to gyms and large arenas, everything in Steel Frame.

Infrastructure and Concessionaires

Complex structures for terminal areas, ports, etc.

Horizontal Condominiums

Standardization of projects in high-end condominiums with Steel Frame.

Vertical Condominiums

Residential or commercial buildings can also be built in Steel Frame.


Steel Frame Facades and Panels provide a modern and futuristic look.

Data Centers

Large data management centers and other materials.


Hospitals can have Steel Frame from their conception or in expansion projects.


Hotels can have Steel Frame from their conception or in expansion projects.


Industrial environments are perfect for Steel Frame projects.

Construction companies

Light Steel Frame can be widely used in conjunction with masonry projects.


Affordable housing and housing projects can have a lower overall cost of ownership.

Single-Family Residential

Expandable shared residences with endless customization possibilities.

Confidence that is measured

At SteelCorp we work on the customer experience so that they feel part of the process, providing safety, quality and specialization at each stage of the process.
Be surprised by a Steel Frame project!

We show you the advantages
and you decide for your future.

Work up to 50% faster
Thermal comfort
Acoustic Comfort
Return on investment

Masonry versus Light Steel Frame

We are committed to the quality of your project and the environment,
Therefore, we will show the main differences in our construction process.

Light Steel Frame

Acoustic insulation of up to 42db
Thermal insulation
Waste Generation (5x less)
CO2 emission in the ozone layer (5x lower)
Water Consumption (10x lower)
Tree Consumption (20x lower)


Acoustic insulation of up to 30db
Thermal insulation
Waste Generation (rubble)
CO2 emission in the ozone layer
Water consumption
Tree Consumption
Estimated data considering projects carried out by SteelCorp, where in a construction of 811 m2 In addition to having greater thermal and acoustic comfort, you will generate 5 times less waste, emit 5 times less CO2 in the ozone layer, it will save more than 180 thousand liters of water and will also save more than 560 trees!
The future of construction is the Steel Frame!

Request a technical contact
to evaluate your project.

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Articles and News

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modular constructions in light steel frame.