SteelCorp, anticipating the future of civil construction.

We solve problems.
We deliver quality.

Understand how it works

Who is in charge of the construction company
that will make your dream come true.

Business management and technical qualifications working together to provide you with
ensure that your project will have the highest standard of excellence.

Marcelo Pieruzzi

President SteelBank

Roberto Justus

CEO SteelCorp

Daniel Gispert

President SteelCorp

SteelCorp Partner Architects

More than a quality structure, we deliver to you
a project in partnership with leading architects.


Quality is guaranteed and at SteelCorp you can count on the highest standard of requirements, from the conception of your project to final delivery.

High Environmental Quality (AQUA) evaluates the sustainable performance of a project, according to items such as the technical and architectural quality of the building.


Certification that promotes environmental awareness, encourages the rational use of natural resources and incorporates effective water rationalization systems.


Sustainability assessment method, through control of different project phases, such as specification of materials, construction and operation.


It acts as a seal that buildings were designed and built using strategies to improve their environmental performance.


Green building certification system focused on making a space more efficient in terms of natural resources.